For a while now I haven't posted a Sushoni tales post. So here we go (missed that).
When moving from one country to another, humans as well as dogs have to adjust to changes and conditions that they weren't accustomed to. I am tagging it under the category of "acculturation challenges". Upon coming to the U.S., one of the little hassles and small, technical changes that made the life of my human companions miserable here, was flooring issues. Yes, you read correctly, flooring issues. You see, we came from a country that gets very hot during the summers and I guess that is why wall to wall carpet is not a common sight in Israel. Israeli houses use tiles, hardwood or laminated floors. In the U.S. apparently, the situation is a little different. So when my human companions came to the U.S. and looked for a proper place to live in, one of the main difficulties was to find a house that doesn't have wall to wall carpet anywhere around the house. They looked and looked, but such a house was nowhere to be found. So, as often happens in (human) life (in doggy life too if you think about it- I'd rather take 10 walks a day instead of the 4 I get now and a rear medium done Antricot steak as my daily dinner...), they had to compromise. They got a house that had wall to wall carpets on the stairs and on the second floor (first floor and living room was out of the question- I don't know how you keep it clean people! It is just impossible).
Well, I decided to make the best out of the situation and said: "well, if we have carpets and my human companions are not satisfied with it, why don't I enjoy it at least and make it custom made carpets, that is, custom made for me... So I started peeing whenever the carpet looked too white or smelled too clean in my opinion... It was my own custom made "Sushoni's carpet".
Needless to say that my human companions just freaked! They have decided to open a carpet cleaning laboratory and bought all the possible materials, sprays, baking sodas, deep cleaning vacuum cleaners that exist in the market and basically checked if they deliver what they said they do. Guess what the results where: when a Maltese wants to have a custom scented carpet, he will have a custom scented carpet and no spray or deep cleaning material or vacuum cleaner in the world could change that (by the way, my parents want their money back- they bought "satisfaction guaranteed or your money back" products...).
My human companions put up with my custom scented carpet for a year, until my mom just snapped! She couldn't handle it anymore- every time she went to the second floor she felt that she invaded my floor or something. Even her "no shoes on the carpet" rule did not help and as soon as I could say "Sushoni is the king of the blogosphere and L.A.", packages of laminate floor pieces started arriving at our house. The changing of the floor project began and I decided to make the best out of this situation too and at least supervise the workers and make sure that the floor is leveled and that the finishes are perfect. Every now and then, I installed a piece of the floor myself...
Although I lost my custom scented carpet (which helped me disguise myself when I tried to avoid a shower because the carpet was as white as me), the joy of my human companions is totally worth it!
Oh, the little things in life sometimes make such a change, just like a breath of fresh air (or fresh, clean, laminate floor...).
So here are the pics from this project.
Please follow me, I will show you what to do now...
Hey who dropped a hammer here?
I just want to make sure that walking on this floor is comfortable and that the floor is leveled...
I have a better perspective on the work from up here...
I am a little sad to say goodbye to my custom scented carpet...
Hey, I found a little gap here, who comes to fix it?
Well, after installing all this laminate floor I have to have a little break...
Woofi woof woof,